Posts Tagged ‘Tiny Engines’

Breakups are hard; but separating yourself from your partner’s pet is even harder. Illuminati Hotties seem to be well aware of this phenomenon, as their latest single—and first new music since last year’s Tiny Engines debut Kiss Yr Frenemies—is more an homage to a one-time date’s canine companion than it is to Iggy Pop. “One time I went on a date with someone I met through a dating app,” frontwoman Sarah Tudzin talked about the origins of “I Wanna Keep Yr Dog,” a staple of their recent live shows. “Their dog was much cuter than they were.”

You can check out the song below (complete with some stellar Corgi footage), and make sure to catch Illuminati Hotties when they grace their Austin showcase SXSW . As far as any news of dating-app type services specifically for meeting up with local singles’ dogs? .

illuminati hotties – I Wanna Keep Yr Dog Single out March 6th on Tiny Engines

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, tree, plant, outdoor and nature

Strange Ranger (fka Sioux Falls) is a band from Montana, now based out of Philadelphia, PA. in the spirit of the new year, here’s a lil EP comprised of stuff that’s been floating around for a while. we’re trying to tour a lot and do a bunch of cool stuff but our van won’t start (amongst other issues) so basically if you’ve got a bit of change to spare,  It seems Strange Ranger change their sound every year now, it shows how talented Isaac and Fred are that they can write such different music all the time.


Released December 30th, 2018

Band Members:
Isaac Eiger- Vocals, Guitar, Melodica
Fred Nixon- Bass, Keyboard, Synths
Nathan Tucker- Drums

Philadelphian band Restorations, are now 10 years running,  named for more than just architectural stability. It’s emotional renewal for the members themselves and for anyone listening. The band’s self-reflective, true colors are just as loud and bold as the layers of guitars galloping through each song. But after touring hard on the soul-rattling 2014 album LP3, the Philadelphia rock band needed some restoration itself.

Four years later, Restorations returns with LP5000 via Tiny Engines, the label that released its debut album. Restorations have always been a band keenly aware of their surroundings and LP5000 is just that: Seven songs written and recorded during a time of transition. It’s a record about displacement. It’s about feeling complacent and coming to the sudden realization that maybe things aren’t as solid as they’d seemed—in politics, in personal relationships, and in the different corners of their hometown of Philadelphia.

Underlined by looping keyboard chitter-chatter a la “Baba O’Riley,” the lead single “The Red Door” explodes the band’s larger-than-life rock and roll hoarsely yawped from the streets, but instead of looking inward, lead singer (and one of three guitarists) Jon Loudon looks just next door.

Philadelphia (and perhaps your town, too?) is rapidly changing,” Loudon tells us  “I wonder about where people go when they can’t afford to live in these new neighborhoods anymore. The red doors on all the new buildings feels like some kind of warning sign.”


Anthemic heartland rock-and-roll replete with mile-wide riffs, psychedelic chooglin’, and too many guitars.

Brooklyn-based musician Elise Okusami has been making music since an early age, cycling through a series of bands throughout the years. In 2016, she started putting songs out as Oceanator, and the following year released the project’s debut EP. On the side, she also drums for bands that include the Adventures Of The Silver Spaceman and Vagabon (she plays on the latter’s Infinite Worlds album. In April, Okusami is releasing the second Oceanator EP, which is called Lows, an accurate title for the roller coaster of emotions that it exhibits.

Lead single “Mistakes” is red-hot in its intensity — each instrument sounds like it’s projected from underneath a layer of volcanic ash.

Oceanator “Lows” out April 13, 2018 on Tiny Engines

Elise Okusami, who has played drums in Vagabon and the Adventures of the Silver Spaceman, also makes shimmering indie rock as Oceanator. Okusami layers her lovesickness and loneliness over an unexpected backdrop of bubbly 1980s synthpop and crisp percussion. – Pitchfork
This coupling of introspective reflection and boisterous intensity quickly establishes itself as the Oceanator trademark. – Various Small Flames
The great curls that sprout from the top of Okusami’s head are merely metaphors for all the musical seeds this talent has planted over the years. – Tom Tom Mag
Oceanator proves to be a project with a surprising amount of range, depth, understanding, and versatility. – Heartbreaking Bravery

New York City’s indie pop rockers Wild Pink follow October’s ‘4 Songs’ EP with a self-titled full-length out February 10 2017 on Tiny Engines Records.

Listen to ‘Wizards Of Loneliness’, below, where the trio exert you to, “Calm down/put your phone down” on the low-key lullaby, which comes from the new album which was recorded with Justin Pizzoferrato (Dinosaur Jr., Speedy Ortiz). Wild Pink is an American power pop band from the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens New York City.


band members

  • John Ross (vocals, guitar)
  • T.C. Brownell (bass)
  • Dan Keegan (drums)

In light of Tuesday’s election results, North Carolina-based indie label Tiny Engines has become the latest in a line of musical entities to put their wares up for charity. Starting this week, their entire catalog, which includes standout Philly acts like Mannequin Pussy, Cayetana, and Little Big League, will be available under the “Pay-What-You-Will” format with all proceeds going to Planned Parenthood and Southern Poverty Law Center

In the summer of 2015, Wild Pink premiered their EP entitled Good Life, released via Texas is Funny Records. This past August, the band announced that they will be releasing their new EP, 4 Songs, via Tiny Engines Records and have recently embarked on a tour to promote their latest release. John Ross, lead songwriter and front man of the group, about early musical influences, nostalgic tour moments, and self-identity in an ever-changing scene. This group runs the gamut from soft, sultry ballads to rock bangers with poignant lyrics that center on nostalgia and past haunts; all are guaranteed to leave you teary eyed in the drivers’ seat on your ride home.


Wild Pink released their debut EP, Good Life, in the Summer of 2015. It was a brief but memorable introduction to the band’s brand of introspective indie pop/rock. After numerous tours in support of Good Life the band hunkered down with Justin Pizzoferrato (Dinosaur Jr., Speedy Ortiz, Kindling, Sweet John Bloom) to record new songs. What grew from those sessions was actually two new releases. First, 4 Songs, a supplemental EP out this past October. But, more importantly, the band’s Self-Titled debut LP, slated for release in February 2017 on Tiny Engines Records.

John Ross
TC Brownell
Dan Keegan

Wild Pink released their debut EP, Good Life, in the Summer of 2015. It was a brief but memorable introduction to the band’s brand of introspective indie pop/rock. After numerous tours in support of Good Life the band hunkered down with Justin Pizzoferrato (Dinosaur Jr., Speedy Ortiz, Kindling, Sweet John Bloom) to record new songs. What grew from those sessions was actually two new releases. First and foremost, the band’s debut LP, slated for release in early 2017 on Tiny Engines. But also, 4 Songs, a supplemental EP out this October, that serves to bridge the gap between releases as the band grows more expansive in their sound and ambitious in their songwriting


Wild Pink are one of those wonderfully rare bands that sounds instantly familiar upon first listen. Yet trying to draw parallels to their influences or similar bands proves to be incredibly difficult. That remains the same as Wild Pink continue to chart their own unique course. These new songs move at their own intentional pace while the band fleshes their arrangements out further. Yet the songs never suffer, only growing more dynamic and more propulsive with this increased nuance. Wild Pink doesn’t lose the warm intimacy that made the band special, it’s only enhanced to a greater degree here. These are deeply personal songs about freedom, or lack thereof, about growing up and leaving your youth behind yet still clinging to those sacred scars that we hold dear. Often exercising a stream of conscious lyrical style, Wild Pink has a remarkable way of transporting you to those moments in time where the smallest detail remains etched into your being. There is a sincerity that echoes throughout these songs that is intoxicating and speaks to what makes the band so special. Wild Pink choose the road less traveled and it has served them well.
