CHERRY PICKLES – ” Cherry Pickles Will Harden Your Nipples “

Posted: April 15, 2019 in CLASSIC ALBUMS, MUSIC
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Conceived over a bucks fizz binge in Birmingham, UK early 2018, Cherry Pickles comes at you like the basement band you always wanted to start. Priscila B brings from Brazil her love of early Tropicalia and the kind of ‘let’s be bad’ attitude that can only come from a land chock full of Catholic guilt. Mimi B brings her love of stripped down, bare essential rhythm. If two drums are good enough for Peggy O’Neill then they should definitely be good enough for you. Together they bonded over a mutual love of 50s malt-shop-pop, 60s minimalist garage, no wave, fuzz and all forms of outsider art. ‘Art damaged’ isn’t a slur, it’s a compliment. Anything lost in translation with this transatlantic duo only doubles the charm.

As a duo, they work perfectly together. Each song is driven by Mimi’s backbeat of tomtom and snare. It’s simple but man it works. Priscilla B has it all. She flirts between english and Portuguese while her simple but effective guitar playing leads the charge.

They may play simplified, striped down, lo-fi garage rock, but believe me there is some magic to be heard here. The musicianship is primitive (apparently Cherry Pickles even play second hand cheap instruments) but it all sounds so natural. Just listen to a song like ‘It Will End in Tears‘ for proof that Cherry Pickles can write a decent tune.

Their debut has the cheeky title ‘Cherry Pickles…Will Harden Your Nipples‘ and depending on your mood, it will quite possibly do just that. This is music for playing spin the bottle, or drinking cans of cherry coke in a treehouse, or go-go dancing with the flash of swirling lights. Hooky, reverb-tremolo pop with Link Wray riffs and stomping beats. This is garage rock done right.


released April 5th, 2019

Cherry Pickles’ debut LP “Cherry Pickles Will Harden Your Nipples” released on  PNKSLM Recordings

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