TV SMITH – ” Handwriting “

Posted: May 21, 2024 in MUSIC

Former Advert’s singer TV Smith may be decades after his first band broke through, but he has never sounded more urgent with this great set of songs that spark with emotive melody and brilliant lyrics.

The Adverts were one of the finest of the 1977 punk bands. Their flurry of fame may have been brief, but those two albums they left were full of great songs and lyrics, and it felt like within their raw thrills, one of the finest songwriters of that generation had announced himself. TV Smith was the charismatic impatient scarecrow who wore his heart on his junk festooned sleeve, and with Gaye Advert was part of the photogenic core of the band whose influence has touched everyone from The Stone Roses to Henry Rollins.

Smith may have then spent decades on the fringes but his talent has never been dimmed, and “Handwriting” could arguably be the greatest post Advert’s work that he has delivered, which is a high accolade in the context of his releases. His years of performing, often armed with an acoustic guitar only, have given the songs an acoustic edge, yet they are delivered with the high IQ ferocity of the Adverts, and you are constantly reminded of the poetic urgency of his breakthrough band as well as his brilliant rush of phrases and emotional song writing.

“The perfect album” Henry Rollins, “If you only buy one album this year…let it be ‘Handwriting'” Goldmine

“Handwriting” is the title track from the forthcoming album by TV Smith, produced by Gerry Diver, release date 12th April 2024. Video directed by Kevin Winiker.

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